Official Sponsor to Smart Plastic April 18-19 2018

SMART PLASTICS is the event organised by the Plast Design and Plast magazines and entirely dedicated to high performance polymeric materials

MILAN. SMART PLASTICS – the event organised by the Plast Design and Plast magazines and entirely dedicated to high performance polymeric materials – is back for this year’s edition. In a new and prestigious venue, the Alfa Romeo Museum in Arese, the ‘SMART PLASTICS’ exhibition, now in its sixth edition, is ‘open’ and ‘interconnected’: at the core of exhibition area, themed lectures will be delivered on the state of the art of technopolymers and composites, their applications and design and processing technologies. This year, SAGA will attend the convention to present many important updates on amorphous alloys and more. The speakers at the convention are representatives of the industrial and research world, technicians and managers of industry players who will present the latest news and evolution prospects relating to the use of high-performance technopolymers and planned openings in international markets. Please follow the links below to check the program with complete info on the event and to get in touch with the Smart Plastic network.

Quest’ anno SAGA sarà presente al convegno con tante importanti novità sulle leghe amorfe ma non solo.
Al convegno interverranno in veste di relatori esponenti del mondo industriale e della ricerca, tecnici e manager di aziende del settore che presenteranno le novità e le prospettive di evoluzione nell’impiego di tecnopolimeri ad alte prestazioni con una apertura ai mercati internazionali.
Per consultare il programma con tutte le info dell’evento e per mettersi in contatto con la rete Smart Plastic rimandiamo ai link sottostanti.